What You Should Expect from an In-Home Massage Service?
If you’re feeling a little nervous about receiving an in-home massage service nowadays, you’re not alone.
For most of 2020, our nation – the DC area in particular – has been hit hard by COVID-19. Because of the nature of the illness, many are hesitant to have strangers in their home.
At Cassia Spa Therapy, we understand how you might feel. As a result, we’ve made a few changes to our protocol:
No penalty for last-minute cancellations. If you’re sick, or have been around anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, please cancel or reschedule your session until you feel better.
COVID-related paperwork. Prior to each session, I ask that you complete and submit a COVID-19-related form.
Masks. I’ll be wearing a mask.
In addition: Cleaning is nothing new for us. We’ll continue to thoroughly clean and sanitize all equipment between each session. I’ll also have plenty of hand sanitizer available.
Please reach out to me at booking@cassiaspatherapy.com if you have any questions/concerns about these protocols.